ah...you've come to see me?


i dont get too many visitors.


theres a reason i was clapped in a wendys parking lot.


...i just want my socks back, you know?

they were nice socks...i love them dearly.


why are you here? dont you know im the worst goro?


ive been stuck here ever since that fateful day.

its quiet.


yung gravy sooths me. i could use some thots right now.




i really want out. curse you, goro 1.


i...i think im losing my mind.


its been so long since ive tasted pancakes...


please. i have but one request for you.


please stop goro 2 at all costs.




i can feel him slowly approaching. its killing me.

since ive been rendered useless, its up to you. but if you can...


